Barkas B1000 – delivery van and minibus produced in the years 1961-1991 in the IFA reunification of the VEB Barkas-Werke Karl-Marx-Stadt (now Chemnitz) in the former GDR. The only car of this class produced in the GDR.
At the end of the 1950s, work was begun on the construction of the new Barkas B1000 delivery van to replace the Barkas / Framo V 901/2 (derived from the pre-war era with a classic truck layout with a bonnet) . The new model has introduced state-of-the-art design solutions, including the wagon body, and has been developed using the Wartburg 311 passenger car construction. The Barkasa B1000 is also powered by this model. It was originally a three-cylinder, two-stroke gasoline engine type AWE 311 with a displacement of 900 cm³ and a power of 43 hp. The drive unit was locked with a 4-speed manual gearbox. Already in 1961 it was replaced by a two-stroke Wartburg 312 AWE 312 engine with a displacement of up to 992 cm³ and a maximum output of 46 hp. Thanks to the front axle and the independent suspension of the wheels, it was possible to achieve a flat floor in the cargo area, with a low load (440 mm above the ground). The cargo volume was 6,4 m³, the payload was 1 tonne.
These cars were manufactured in the following versions:
KA – Kastenwagen – Closed box double cab, no glazing of the cargo
KM – Kasten-Mehrzweckwagen – cargo van, four- or five-seater (semi-closed double cabin, 2/3 persons in the second row of seats in the cargo compartment), one left side window in the cargo compartment and one in the right door,
KB – Kleinbus – eight-seat minibus (semi-closed double cab, 6 persons in the cargo compartment on 2 rows of seats), full glazing of the cargo compartment,
KK – Krankenwagen – emergency ambulance – ordinary body, full glazed, partly covered
KK / SMH-3 – ambulance with a new plastic body with raised roof, manufactured since 1983, carved by Karosseriewerk in Parkentin (producing caravans) and equipped by VEB Labortechnik Ilmenau
HP – Pritschenfahrzeug – box truck with a double cabin
FR – Fahrerhaus-Rahmenausfuehrung – chassis for construction (there were 13 variants of serial special construction on this chassis, including a van)
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